Since 2001, Powertech has designed and constructed modular compressed hydrogen fueling stations. These stations are able to fill 700 bar (70 MPa) fuel cell vehicles in accordance with SAE J2601 fueling protocols.

Communication fills and -40˚C pre-cooling are features of our design. The containerized assemblies allow for the easy re-location, or expansion of capacity, to respond to the market demand for hydrogen fueling infrastructure.
Our designs are supported by Powertech’s world-class high pressure hydrogen testing facilities. This testing expertise is often called upon to satisfy local regulatory authority concerns regarding the safety and compliance of compressed hydrogen fueling systems. For in-house testing purposes, Powertech operates the equivalent of four hydrogen fueling stations on a continuous basis for the hydrogen gas cycle testing of various high pressure components, including complete OEM fuel systems, tanks, valves, check valves, pressure relief devices, and pressure regulators. Powertech is able to identify the suppliers of the most reliable high pressure components – these components are then incorporated into our station designs.
Powertech’s containerized hydrogen vehicle fill station design is an ideal solution for the developing hydrogen fueling infrastructure. Stations can dispense up to 500 kg/day, or more. Powertech’s hydrogen fueling dispensers are based on a gasoline dispenser design, and provide a Point-of-Sale terminal. Dispensers can be supplied with multiple fueling hoses. Units can also be packaged complete with electrolyzers to provide a hydrogen supply.

Powertech’s team of hydrogen station design engineers can provide the customized solutions required in today’s changing hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market. Station operations are supported by remote monitoring, a 24 hour service call line, and the use of local maintenance service providers.
For more information, contact:
Juancho Tabangay – 857.895.9796
Vice-President, H2 Infrastructure BD & Sales
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