Member of ECNE
Member of NRECA
Member of NWPPA
Member of Wi-SUN Alliance
Member of WiMAX Forum
Compressed Hydrogen & CNS System Standards
Powertech is involved in the development of compressed hydrogen and compressed natural gas codes and standards on the national and international level as conveners, chairs and/or technical experts. Following is a list of codes and standards that Powertech either leads or participates in:
- Convener of ISO TC 58/SC 3 (ISO 11439) for CNG tanks
- Convener of ISO TC 197 WG 6 (ISO/DIS 15869) for compressed hydrogen tanks
- Convener of ISO TC 197 WG 5 (ISO 17268) for compressed hydrogen fueling connectors
- Chair of CSA NGV2/HGV2 for CNG and compressed hydrogen tanks
- Chair of CSA NGV3.1/HGV3.1 for CNG and compressed hydrogen vehicle components
- Vice Chair of CSA Automotive Technical Committee
- Secretary of CSA B51 for boilers, pressure vessels and pressure piping
- Technical expert for the Canadian Hydrogen Installation CodeTechnical expert for ISO TC 197 WG 11 for gaseous hydrogen fueling stations
- Technical expert for ISO TC 197 WG 15 for hydrogen station ground storageTechnical expert for ISO TC 22/SC 25 for natural gas fuel system components
- Technical expert for ANSI/CSA NGV4.1-4.10/HGV4.1-4.10 for CNG and compressed hydrogen vehicle fueling station equipment
- Technical expert for ANSI/CSA PRD1/HPRD1 for CNG and compressed hydrogen pressure relief devices
- Technical expert for SAE Fuel Cell Safety Workgroup responsible for SAE J2578 and SAE J2579
- Technical expert for SAE Fuel Cell Interface Workgroup responsible for SAE J2600, SAE J2601, SAE 2719 and SAE 2799
- Technical expert for ASME BPV project team on hydrogen tanks
High Voltage Testing Association
- Secretary of IEC TC42, High Voltage Test Techniques.
- IEEE – 4 Standard Committee; CIGRE; IEEE Transformer Committee; IEC T 36, Insulators Cttee Member
Cable Testing Associations
- IEEE, ICC – Working Groups Member
Generator & Motor Testing Associations
- Aging Factors Technical Committee of IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society, Chair
- Member of Working Groups for IEEE Rotating Machine Insulation Testing Standards.
- Member of Canada National Committee for IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Machine Insulation Testing Standards.
- Member of CIGRE (International Council on Large Electric Systems) in developing machine insulation testing standards.