Dr. Hong Li joined Powertech in 1999 as a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada industrial postdoctoral fellow to complete research on reliability evaluation and calibration of T&D overhead structures. His work has since extended to utility asset management, with a focus on condition assessment of aging T&D overhead structures and components. Additionally, Dr. Li’s expertise includes structural analysis and testing, numerical modelling, assessment of structural integrity and reliability, and seismic qualification and evaluation.

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Phone: 604.590.7463   
Cellular: 604.345.8463

Mr. Earl Mayuga is a Project Engineer with Powertech’s Asset Management Group. He has more than thirteen years of experience providing the practical application of corrosion science and cathodic protection to clientele throughout British Columbia. Projects he has worked on have involved corrosion studies and the application and assessment of corrosion protection for water transmission and distribution mains, gas pipelines, water storage reservoirs, fuel storage tanks, marine structures and other structures. Mr. Mayuga was also responsible for developing corrosion protection strategies and cathodic protection designs for buried or submerged metallic structures both nationally and internationally, as well as being part of the development team of a corrosion risk model for BC Hydro steel transmission towers.

General Inquiry→
Phone: 604.590.7406