Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Powertech is an industry leader in the research, development and testing of EV charging infrastructure and networks. As BC Hydro’s prime consultant for their Electric Vehicle Program, Powertech has pioneered the EV charging industry in BC assisting with early assessments of customer needs, technology, and operations. Powertech has also assisted several municipalities, large organizations, and institutions with planning for EV deployments, fleet options and GHG benefit estimation. Powertech led the design and installation of BC’s first ever direct current fast-charger (DCFC) station has now deployed over 100 DCFCs around the Province and continues to support BC Hydro in all aspects of DCFC deployment including planning, design, construction, operation, trouble response and interoperability.

Aside from BC Hydro, Powertech has leveraged its expertise to support several other organizations with EV strategy and deployment, including Electrify Canada, The Township of Langley, YVR, Metro Vancouver and Federated Co-Operatives Limited.
Taking advantage of Powertech’s unique EV Demo Park which hosts a wide selection of EV technologies, Powertech has also developed and tested innovative EV technologies including high-powered DCFCs (100kW+), demand response, vehicle-2-grid and smart power sharing.

Our expertise and services are:

  • EV DCFC deployment planning and operations
  • Energy management systems
  • Interoperability/roaming
  • Technology upgrades to keep pace with the changing EV market
  • Smart charging solutions for workplaces and MURBs
  • Testing of battery storage systems, EV charger connectivity and accuracy measurements
  • Technical consulting and strategy development
  • Research and development

We pride ourselves in adhering to the highest testing (ISO 17025), quality (ISO 9001) and environmental management (ISO 14001) standards. Safety is our top priority and we recently surpassed a milestone of 1,000,000 hours worked without a lost-time incident.

For more information contact:

Sadia Mahboob – 604.598.5130
Senior Engineer
Distribution Grid Management

Giuseppe Stanciulescu – 604.598.5011
Business Development Specialist
Business Development