T&D Technology and Testing

Providing routine laboratory and field testing of transmission and distribution equipment, overhead and underground line components, and inspection and testing of insulated safety equipment. Also offering consulting and investigation services, including asset management solutions, failure investigations, expert witness testimony, and development of custom testing programs.

Areas of Focus

Providing routine laboratory and field testing of transmission and distribution equipment, overhead and underground line components, and inspection and testing of insulated safety equipment. Also offering consulting and investigation services, including asset management solutions, failure investigations, expert witness testimony, and development of custom testing programs. 


  • T&D overhead / underground component failure analysis, testing & condition assessment
  • T&D asset management consulting services
  • Di-electric testing and inspection of lineman safety equipment, worker protection grounds & other insulated tools
  • Combined non-destructive testing (NDT) & di-electric testing of air lifting devices such as bucket trucks
  • Vibration / shake testing of electrical, automotive equipment & electrics
  • Seismic qualification test & analysis of electrical equipment
  • Thermal cycling and thermal shock testing
  • Combined environmental testing (thermal + vibe)
  • Tensile/compression/fatigue testing
  • Temperature rise testing
  • Surge arrester testing
  • Transformer/Instrument transformer testing, failure analysis and consultation
  • Switch testing, failure analysis and consultation
  • Cable testing, failure analysis and consultation
  • Hardware testing, failure analysis and consultation
  • High Voltage Connector Testing
  • Impulse Current Testing



T&D Team

Supporting Labs:

High Voltage Lab→

Mechanical Lab→

Asset Management→