Pouya (Sajjad) Zadehkhost, Frederic Howell, Xi Lin, Lei Wang, “Analyzing Subsynchronous Torsional Interactions in Large-Scale Power Systems in Frequency Domain”, IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) North America, April 23-26, 2017, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
Khaled Abdul-Rahman, Jun Wu, Enamul Haq, Frederic Howell, Xi Lin, and Lei Wang, “Application of High Performance Computing in California ISO’s On-line DSA System”, IEEE PES General Meeting, July 16-20, 2017, Chicago, USA.
Pouya (Sajjad) Zadehkhost, Frederic Howell, Xi Lin, Lei Wang, “Analyzing Subsynchronous Control Interactions in Large-Scale Power Systems in Frequency Domain”, IEEE PES General Meeting, July 16-20, 2017, Chicago, USA.
Yu Tian, Jing Yong and Wilsun Xu, “Using Short-circuit Programs to Simulate Basic Capacitor Switching Transients,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery , vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 2332-2341, Oct. 2016.
Zheng Zhao, Liwei Wang, and Xi Lin, “HVDC Grid Power Flow Controller Using Dynamic Droop Control Method”, CIGRE Canada Conference, October 17 – 19, 2016, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Gang Zheng, Frederic Howell, and Lei Wang, “A Synchrophasor System Emulator – Software Approach and Real-time Simulations”, IEEE PES General Meeting, July 26 – 30, 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA.
P. Zadehkhost, J. Jatskevich and E. Vaahedi, “A Multi-Decomposition Approach for Accelerated Time-Domain Simulation of Transient Stability Problems,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 2301-2311, Sept. 2015.
Yu Tian, Bing Xia and Wilsun Xu, “A PSS/E-Based Power System Frequency Scan Tool”, the 9th annual CIGRE Canada Conference on Power Systems, Toronto, Canada, 2014.
Yunhyuk Choi, Yonghark Shin, Lei Wang, Byongjun Lee, “Development of On-Line Dynamic Security Assessment System for Energy Management System in Korean Power Grid”, presented at ICEE 2014, June 15-19, 2014, Jeju, Korea.
Lei Wang, “On-line Dynamic Security Assessment: Where Are We and Where Should We Go”, presented at the IEEE PES general meeting, July 27-31, 2014, National Harbor, MD, USA.
Lei Wang and Jian Chen, “Ensuring Grid Security with Online DSA Technology”, IEEE PES Smart Grid News Letter, available at http://smartgrid.ieee.org/july-2014.
R. Avila-Rosales, R. Fairchild, J. Giri, F. Howell, L. Wang, J. Gotesky, and V. Madani, “An Advanced Training Simulator for Synchrophasor Applications”, CIGRE US National Committee 2014 Grid of the Future Symposium, October 19 – 21, 2014, Houston, Texas, USA.
P. Zadehkhost, J. Jatskevich, E. Vaahedi, A. Alimardani, “A new adaptive dynamic reduction method for power system transient stability problems,” Electric Power Systems Research Journal, vol. 115, 2014, pp. 102-110.
A. Alimardani, P. Zadehkhost, F. Therrien, J. Jatskevich and E. Vaahedi, “Impact of employing state estimation of distribution networks on state estimation of transmission networks,” 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting | Conference & Exposition, National Harbor, MD, 2014, pp. 1-5.
A. Alimardani, P. Zadehkhost, J. Jatskevich and E. Vaahedi, “Using smart meters in state estimation of distribution networks,” 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting | Conference & Exposition, National Harbor, MD, 2014, pp. 1-5.
P. Zadehkhost, A. Alimardani, J. Jatskevich and E. Vaahedi, “Identifying coherent areas in transmission system for transient stability studies in future smart grids,” 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Vancouver, BC, 2013, pp. 1-5.
Khaled Abdul Rahman, Dede Subakti, Jun Wu, Enamul Haq, Fred Howell, and Lei Wang, “On-line Transient Stability Analysis For System Operation at CAISO”, presented at the IEEE PES general meeting, July 21-25, 2013, Vancouver, Canada.
Djordje Atanackovic, Michael Yao, Raju Vinnakota, Lei Wang, and Xi Lin, “Modeling of Cascading Events of Power Systems for Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA)”, presented at the IEEE PES general meeting, July 21-25, 2013, Vancouver, Canada.
Lei Wang, “Applications of High Performance Computing for Dynamic Security Assessment of Power Systems”, presented at the IEEE PES general meeting, July 21-25, 2013, Vancouver, Canada.
Xi Lin, Fred Howell, Saeed Arabi, Lei Wang, Nyuk-min Vong, and Richard Sherry, “Enhancing Power System Dynamic Security with HVDC Transmission”, presented at the IEEE PES general meeting, July 21-25, 2013, Vancouver, Canada.
Ivan M. Dudurych, Alan Rogers, Robbie Aherne, Lei Wang, Fred Howell, and Xi Lin, “Safety in Numbers”, IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, March/April, 2012.
L. Wang and D. Leon, “Applications of On-Line Dynamic Security Assessment in Smart Grid Development”, XII SEPOPE, May 20-23, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
L. Wang, “Techniques for High Performance Analysis of Transient Stability”, presented at a panel session at the IEEE PES general meeting, July 23-26, 2012, San Diego, USA.
Lei Wang, Jianzhong Tong, and Haoen Li, “An Application Example For On-Line DSA Systems”, presented at Powercon 2012, October 30 – November 2, 2012, Auckland, New Zealand.
Other publications:
Lei, Wang, Xi Lin, Fred Howell, and Kip Morison, “Dynamic Security Assessment”, Chapter 16 in Smart Grid Handbook, Editors-in-Chief Chen-Ching Liu, Stephen McArthur, Seung-Jae Lee, John Wiley & Sons, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, UK, 2016.
Lei Wang, Xi Lin, Fred Howell and Kip Morison, “Practical Issues for Implementation of Online Dynamic Security Assessment Systems”, Chapter 7 in Real-Time Stability In Power Systems: Techniques for Early Detection of the Risk of Blackout, 2nd Edition, Edited by Savu Savulescu, Springer, New York, 2014.
Kip Morison and Lei Wang, “Reduction of Large Power System Models: A Case Study”, Chapter 7 in Power System Coherency and Model Reduction, Edited by Joe Chow, Springer, 2013.
L. Wang and P. Pourbeik, “Assessment of Power System Stability and Dynamic Security Performance”, A chapter in Power System Stability sand Control in the Electric Power Engineering Handbook series, Third Edition, Edited by Leonard L. Grigsby, CRC Press, 2012.