Site Assessment

Powertech’s Environmental Chemistry department offers routine organic and inorganic testing related to site characterization and remediation. We have particular expertise with sites that are impacted by transformer oil spills and treated wood poles. Testing on water and soil samples is conducted in accordance with the British Columbia Environmental Laboratory Manual.

We also have the multi-disciplinary expertise and analytical tools available to deal with a wide range of non-routine samples and can provide data interpretation and technical assistance.

Typical analyses include:

  • Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
  • Toxicity Characteristic Leachable Metals (TCLP)
  • Strong Acid Leachable Metals (SALM)
  • Extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH)

Selected projects include:

  • Electrical substation decommissioning
  • Evaluation of soil contaminated with wood preservatives CCA (chromated copper arsenate) and PCP (pentachlorinated phenols)
  • Routine testing of sumps and oil water separators


Jeff Lang – 604.590.758
Senior Technologist, Applied Chemistry
Substations Technology & Testing