K. Abdolall, A. J. Vandermaar, and D. Tarampi, “Investigation into the Downtown Vancouver Power Outage of 14 July 2008”, International Conference on Insulated Power Cables, (Jicable 2011) Versailles, France, June 2011.
K. Abdolall, M. Stephens, A. Rao, D. Kung, and D. Tarampi, “Condition Assessment of the Underground Distribution Feeders of BC Hydro”, PES-ICC Meeting, March 2010.
K. Abdolall, and D. Tarampi, “BC Hydro Strategy on Managing Underground Distribution Cable Assets”, PES-ICC Meeting, October 2010.
K. Abdolall, M. Stephens, and D. Tarampi, “Significance of Field Testing XLPE Cables”, PES-ICC Meeting, November 2009.
K. Abdolall, L. Ogawa, M. Stephens, A. Norris, and D. Tarampi, “Practical Issues with Splices for New Underground Solid Dielectric Cable Designs”, PES-ICC Meeting, February 2009
Ogawa, L.E., Abdolall, K., Stephens, M.J., and Smith, B. (2008). Condition Assessment of 15kV Rejuventated Underground XLPE Cables. IEEE 978-1-4244-2092-6/08
Abdolall, K., Buchholz,V.L., Cartlidge, D.M., Morton, C.P., Armanini, G., Harris, A., and Valli, G.F (2002). BC Hydro 15 kV Cable Explosion. IEEE Transactions of Power Delivery (Vol 17, No. 2).
Abdolall, K., Halldorson, G.L., and Green, D. (2002). Condition Assessment and Failure Modes of Solid Dielectric Cables in Perspective. (Vol. 17, No.1).